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The Holidays and Your Health

The Holidays and Your Health, MARCOTTE ACUPUNCTURE $40-60 sliding scale in El Cajon, La Mesa. Santee, Lakeside, san diego

Well, we made it through Thanksgiving and Christmas is almost here. The combination of rich food, added stress and responsibilities, fluctuating temperatures and drier than normal conditions inside and outside are asking more of our immune systems than usual. And this makes us more susceptible to catching colds and flus and experiencing stomach upsets and just plain old fatigue. What can you do to maintain your health through the Holiday Season?

Here are some tips:

  • Stay warm. Layer your clothing and wear scarves to keep your neck and chest warm so your immune system doesn't have to work as hard to keep your body temperature regulated.
  • Eat as healthy as you can. Follow indulgent food days with healthy food days. Break out the nutribullet and add more whole grains and steamed/lightly cooked veges to your diet.
  • Eat more soups and stews. If your stomach is acting up, you've likely overindulged in rich food and your digestive system needs your help. Soups and stews that are broth based and filled with veges and lean meats are what you want. Soups are as pre-digested a meal as you can eat and when your digestive system is weak, it can't break down your food as easily. Give your digestion some help.
  • Stay hydrated. Fall is the driest time of year. And when you add indoor heating to the mix, we begin to get too dry. Drink more water and herbal teas without caffeine. Decrease your coffee intake, it's a diuretic and can lead to dehydration. Use humidifiers or a pot of water on the stove to help your throat and your skin. And moisturize!
  • Have some fun! The stress of all we have to get done can tax our immune systems and lead to fatigue and illness. Do something just for you or someone you love. If you are alone or grieving, reach out and ask for help or volunteer. You are not in this alone.

AND TRY ACUPUNCTURE! We can address all of the things mentioned above so you can enjoy a happier and healthier holiday season.

Healing Emotional Trauma with Acupuncture and Herbs

Healing Emotional Trauma with Acupuncture and Herbs, MARCOTTE ACUPUNCTURE $40-60 sliding scale in El Cajon, La Mesa. Santee, Lakeside, san diegoEmotional trauma is something we all experience in public and in private, at home and work and in war. It is painful, scary, sometimes brief and situational and other times repetitive and long-lasting in the form of PTSD. Emotional trauma isn't something to be ignored or feared. It can be healed with time and attention.

And acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is a natural and time-tested method for healing from emotional trauma.

Acupuncture can help with immediate symptoms in acute phases, such as natural disasters, loss, grief, domestic violence and incidents of terrorism. The organization Acupuncturists Without Borders (AWB) donates acupuncture treatment in the U.S. and abroad to people suffering from trauma. And has worked in Nepal after the earthquake, in Florida after the mass shooting and here in San Diego after our wildfires. Acupuncture also helps those suffering from PTSD, when used regularly.

Chinese herbal formulas also help to ease the symptoms that often accompany emotional trauma. They are a very helpful option for people who are looking for an alternative to pharmaceuticals for anxiety and mild depression.

Contact me to learn more.